Apache OffRoad Nut & Bolt Stripper



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Let’s say you’re too good at your job. You get paid by the hour but you’re so good that, most of the time, you can complete any task in under 15 minutes. Well, that’s just not sustainable! You need to pay your mortgage!

What if you could be good at your job but also have it take you hours to finish it?

Let us introduce you to Nut & Bolt Strippers!

If you have a bolt that’s driving in just right or a nut that’s a little too perfect in its wrench grabbing angles, use your Nut & Bolt Strippers to shave off some metal and make them impossible to utilize! You’ll add hours onto your jobs and those hours will turn into money in your pocket!

Nut & Bolt Strippers are also a great gift for the nostalgic set. Do you know someone who worked in the Rust Belt but moved to California? Give them a pair of these bad boys and let them strip some nuts and bolts for old time’s sake to recapture some of the magic of their old life.

Why go through the pain of having your electric power tools unexpectedly render all of your hardware useless? Plan it out and do it yourself. Dare we say, you may actually have a good time doing it.

So, get yourself a pair of Nut & Bolt Strippers. You never know when your project is going to be going so well that you need to ensure that it starts to fail in a hurry.